Healthy Kitchen Appliances

When I started my journey to holistic living, I discovered a whole new side of cooking. Suddenly, it became all about smoothies, juices, rainbow salads and vegan desserts. I decided it would be helpful to put together a list of kitchen appliances that became an essential part of my transition to a healthy living.

It juices any fruit or vegetable, from beets to spinach, extremely well, leaving the pulp pretty dry. So you get the most possible amount of juice extracted from the least amount of produce. Since no heat is generated during juicing, essential enzymes are preserved. My juicer is really quick and easy to clean, making juicing every single day an absolute joy!

2.Food Processor
I use my food processor probably more than any other appliance in my kitchen. It’s ideal for making homemade energy ball, salad dressings, almond flour and, of course, chopping and slicing veggies for salads and soups. The possibilities are truly endless! It is quite noisy, but it gets the job done really well.

3.High Speed Blender
I remember seeing Vitamix for the first time–my pulse increased, my heart beat a little faster, and I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were meant to be. It was in the early days of my vegan journey last year. I have been in love using it since the first day I received, and have not regretted a penny I spent on it.