Lessons From the Dark

One of my favorite parts of last month at home was getting up before the sun (I know!) and writing my morning pages. I’m surprised to say this myself. I mean, who wouldn’t rather curl up under the cozy and warm?

But there’s something magical about this dark time.

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset
Venice beach, LA


When the alarm goes, I got out of bed, gave my cat some love and some food and start my morning routines. With a warm cup of lemon water, I walked into the bedroom and turned the twinkie lights on – magic. For 30 minutes I was in my own world, a world of quiet and calm, lit by twinkie lights while the rest of the world is dark. In that moment, I didn’t know what the day will bring but in my journal practice I can discover and express what I will bring to it. Before email, social medias and the world in which I live starts speaking to me, I can speak to myself and I can hear what I have to say. I can find my own way.

It’s not easy to get up before the dawn but it was a joy to discover there are blessings in the dark.

May you find many blessings this week.

chez love, xnm

